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01. The Project

Every year, more than a dozen vineyards from Poland introduce their wines for sale. The  area of crops in Poland is constantly growing, and above all - Polish wine is becoming more and more popular among European and International consumers.  One might even say that it has become fashionable. In this evolution, Lower Silesia vineyards have clearly marked their place not only on the wine map of Poland. Founded in 2014, association represents 20 of the most important vineyards of Lower  Silesia,  whose total  area of cultivation exceeds 45 hectares – a significant portion of the country’s 222 hectares of vineyards as of 2017.

02. The Goal

The main  goal  of the  Association  is  to promote  mutual  cooperation among its members and spread a word about Polish winemaking culture to  broader audience. Alongside these efforts the  Lower  Silesian  Beer  and  Wine  Route is being established to include  both vineyards  of  the association and craft breweries to work together towards European and furthermore International recognition



Deliver the association introduction 

Tell the how-everything-began story 

Describe historical and now-days position of Polish winemaking culture on the European winemaking map

Spread the word about individual vineyards and Wine Route of Lower Silesia



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