01. The Project
I always wanted to be part of something beyond being impactful. When friends from The Throttle Foundation had got in touch with me asking if I could come up with the foundation identity and the design of the Foundation website I just dived in. The project started from a very scratch: A meeting with the Founders had been held before any progress or a decision was made on the identity or the website. The meeting with founders gave me an opportunity to know who the founders are, learn about the Foundation background, goals, audience and contributors. This information helped me to understand a scope of work, filter out layouts, come up with design style, page elements and color schemes proposals. A few website were taken as references, before we jumped into developing the very own one. The work is still in progress

02. The Goal
Although the very original ask from my friends was to establish Foundation's on- and offline identity, after various discussions and numerous brainstorming sessions a decision to maximize Foundation's web presence was made: Deliver children stories, let those stories to speak to the audience, allow children stories to bring people together to turn society attention into the problem of supporting childhood, and equipping children with the tools to explore their talents, enjoy childhood, and contribute to the idea of shaping the world
establish Foundation's on- and offline identity
design the space to establish awareness and share children stories
create tools to monitor progress of each child story
make website content easy discoverable by search engines (primary in Poland)
conduct a research on children and charity foundations activities
deliver layouts, set design styles, page elements and color schemes
research on monitoring options, both quantitive and qualitive
maintain website contents and optimize its management

03. My Role
In collaboration with the founders I was directly engaged into several areas and decision making processes of the project: Market Research, Product Analysis, User Experience, and Customer Interaction with the website content
Deliver Foundation's visual identity
Deliver Foundation website proposals
Align Foundation's vision and mission with the website content
Complete wireframes, technical specifications, brand guidelines
Place the Beta-version of the website online to gather feedbacks

04. The Challenge
By nature non-profits have a mission outside of just making money, therefore it's way more crucial to convey a cohesive visual brand that would easily speak about the Foundation identity and mission. Different content formats were tested in order to find the optimal approach in establishing a connection between "Angels" and children stories
05. The Structure
Foundation team decided to go with a responsive and traditional design to make sure it would be suitable for Internet audience of different demographics. Clear visual structure with minimal number of layer and complicated effects was applied: Traditional header menu, large visuals, distinctively clear typography, weblists, etc.